Bob and Mike Bryan, the all-American doubles duplicates, buckled down Saturday and overcame a 1-3 deficit in the first set tiebreaker, winning the first set and never looking back until red, blue and silver banners streamed from the roof of the Portland Memorial Coliseum and the engraver began scratching American names onto the trophy.
"We've been working for this since we were two-years-old," said Bob, or maybe it was Mike. "All I can say is whew!"
Other musings from my notepad: Day 2 started and ended with members of the Russian team and coaches playing soccer on one end of the court, with folding chairs set up for the goals.
Andreev and
Youzhny participated in the morning three-on-three soccer
matchup before
Davydenko came out and he and
Andreev warmed up. After the
Bryans won and the celebration began to wane after
twenty minutes of photos and smiles, the Russians emerged from the locker room and swept away the streamers from one end of the court, this time with enough people for a five-on-five game, including yesterday's losers
Youzhny and
Tursonov, neither of whom seem too heartbroken, unless perhaps they were trying to distract themselves from the agony of defeat with the joy of kicking a ball...Although the Russians lost the tie, they won the contest of the coolest
warmups, these red duds with this wild looking logo that looks like some sort of combination of a heart and vines, sprawling down the left side of the jackets...During the
Andreev several times swiveled the racket sideways and smacked shots with the frame of the racket...The
USTA honored Stan Smith before the match, member of seven Davis Cup championship teams, including the classic match against Ion
Tiriac written about here earlier... After more flag presentations and ceremonial
hooptedoodle (including a speech by Patrick McEnroe who maybe exaggerated just a little when he called the competition a worldwide peacemaking event), pyrotechnics exploded near the rafters...McEnroe's singing-actress wife sang the national anthem well--her new album will be out in the spring...Moving moments when a wheelchair champion tennis player from Portland tossed the coin, and later had his picture with the team who greeted him warmly...I'm not sure why the coaches both made speeches and the players exchange gifts before the matches on day two. Wonder what they got for each other?...There was little j
ingoistic anger between Russians and Americans, and no Americans taunted the alleged
matchfixer Davydenko at all...Davis Cup matches might be the only time that tennis succumbs to the favorite American
pastime of fawning for T-shirts tossed into the audience. For some reason, when free T-shirts are proffered, perfectly reasonable people turn into beasts not unlike ravenous monkeys who will kill for a banana or a fresh piece of fruit...My only beef with the Bryan brothers who seem like wonderfully fine fellows is that they both wear big shiny watches on the court. I know they are getting paid by someone to do this, and if I was a pro player only making doubles money (and sharing it with my brother, no less) I would probably agree to wear about anything for cold hard cash. But I'm sick of tennis players trying to sell me a watch. I've had the same watch I got free with a Sports Illustrated subscription six years ago and it serves me just fine. It tells the same damn time as if it was a Rolex....After the Bryan brothers won the first set, they got more aggressive and took over the net and dominated the final two sets.
Kickass power American tennis! It was good to see...The only drawback to the day is that sitting directly behind us was a man there who did not stop talking about the match, sort of our own personal Mary
Carillo talking in our ears. He constantly moderated the events on courts, repeated things the umpire said,
embarrassingly tried to analyze the play, and then would
occasionally ask his son, allegedly a junior player, questions like, "Which is the deuce side?" I showed great restraint in not trying to strangle him. I much preferred the Russians fans sitting in front of us...To escape the babbling dude's monologue, I took a break during the second set and stopped by the Wilson racket booth where I was disturbed to learn that they are phasing out the N-code rackets, which includes the Blade that I use, and switching them to K-factor. (Does any of Wilson's alphabetic nonsense mean anything to anybody? N-code, K-code, I don't understand, nor do I have time to learn the difference.) Anyway, one of the tennis stores with a booth there has models of my racket that he wanted to get rid of so I bought one for $70 that he is shipping to me. I plan to put it into action next spring for the
Green Valley Tennis Club 4.5 team of
Haddown Township, N.J., when we win the Southern Jersey division (yeah, I'm talking to
you, Cherry Hill) and go onto nationals...I returned to my seat in time to see the
Bryans take the second and third sets in style, dominating the net like you've got to do in doubles on fast courts...